There & Snack Again:
A Totino’s Pizza Roll Tale

Creative Influencer Campaign

A sponsored series of D&D streams set in a fantasy Pizza Roll universe where marinara is magic.


Creative Direction, Pipeline Management, Photography, Modelmaking


Tabletop gaming is a fast-growing vertical on Twitch, and Totino’s unique identity made them the perfect brand to bring a custom RPG to life. The crew naturally leaned into the concept of friends and audience coming together to embark on a ridiculously imaginative and engaging adventure.

  • Three 2hr weekly Influencer streams with full streaming overlay suite

  • Tune-in ad media ft. original 3D animation

  • Social media support ft. photoshoot and design promos


Program Manager: Arya Azar

3D & Animation: Kevin Tang

Designer: Michael Pinciotti

Talent: Brotatoe


Like mozzarella & tomato, this was the perfect combination of having a client who supports experimental ideas, and working with a team with a diverse set of skills.

The concept was so strong and fitting that it allowed everyone to feel inspired, excited, and run with it in their own way.